Chapter 270 - Qinhuang Treasure

He only saw that the length and width of this map were three feet and were abnormally old. It was unknown just how many years the diagram had passed through.

"This is the treasure map of the Qinhuang Kingdom?" An excited expression flashed across Lin Lingsu's face as she asked.

"That's right!" Qin Yuzhen nodded.

"According to the rumors, the founder of your sect was a craftsman who built the Qin Tomb. Afterwards, he fled from the Qin mausoleum and drew this map. "But is that so?" Lin Lingsu said.

Qin Yuzhen nodded slightly.

"Today, the world is in chaos, the zingiberis radix is trapped in Jiangnan, your sect will present this map to the Son of Heaven, in order to restore peace to the world, this humble Taoist admires you." Lin Lingsu said.

"You flatter me, Taoist. These are all things that we should do." Qin Yuzhen said.

Lin Lingsu laughed, her eyes still staring at the map, as though she wanted to remember all of it.

Clan Elder Wu Qing, Cheng Ming, Hong Tianjing, Xue Mingyu, Zhou Qingshan and the others beside him were all excited. Back then, Qin Shihuang was the first emperor to unite the world, he had collected all the treasures in the world in one place. If he could obtain all the treasures, wouldn't he be as rich as a nation?

"The treasure of the Qinhuang Kingdom is extremely large. It's impossible for us to take it out just by ourselves." Qin Yuzhen replied.

"Don't worry, I have already met His Majesty before we came from Jiangnan. His Majesty also values the treasure of the Qinhuang Kingdom very highly, he has already ordered his subordinates, General Han Shizhong and his troops to come over, to assist us." Lin Lingsu said.

"That would be for the best." Qin Yuzhen nodded.

Everyone observed and observed for a long time, but in the end, Qin Yuzhen still kept it.

"Tomorrow, we will head to Guan Shan! Today, everyone should rest in the Shaolin Temple! " Cheng Ming said.

Everyone nodded their heads, and immediately, Cheng Ming arranged a place for everyone to stay, without mentioning anything else.

"Junior Sister Qin, is this the first time you have come to Shaolin Temple? Why don't I accompany you to the various places in the temple to take a look! " Hong Tianjing came in front of Qin Yuzhen and said.

"There's no need to trouble Senior Brother Hong on this matter. It's better if I accompany Junior Sister Qin." Xue Mingyu snorted from the side.

"It's enough for Jade Zhen to go out and take a look." Qin Yuzhen smiled faintly and said.

She lightly walked out and headed outside. Hong Tianjing and Xue Mingyu looked at each other, a cold smile appearing in both of their eyes, and it was only after a long while that their gazes left the other party's body. They looked at Qin Yuzhen who was walking further and further away. Just as they wanted to chase up to him, they stopped in the end.

Qin Yuzhen strolled in the Shaolin Temple alone, and occasionally saw the monks of the Shaolin Temple. The monks saluted with their palms together. Many of the monks turned red when they saw the woman appear in front of them. In the Shaolin Temple, nearly half of the monks were monks who had grown up, and some might not even see a few females in their entire lives. It was normal for a woman to have this kind of reaction.

After an unknown period of time, Qin Yuzhen arrived in front of the Damoth Cave.

The Damoth Cave was about five meters deep and three meters wide. The cave was completely empty. Qin Yuzhen walked in, but there were no tables, chairs or decorations, only the deepest part of the cave. There was an old man's mural with his face to the wall. According to legend, Patriarch Damocles had been here for nine years, and his shadow had been cast on the stones inside the cave, thus creating this mural.

Qin Yuzhen looked at the mural carefully. The old man's figure was extremely lifelike, even the wrinkles on her clothes could faintly be seen.

"This is Patriarch Damocles, Patriarch Shaolin!" At that time, in order to spread the Buddhist scripture, Grandmaster Damocles went from Tian Zhu to the Central Plains and experienced many hardships. After arriving at Shaolin Temple, he first passed down the Zen Sect's secret technique, and then he started cultivating in the cave. Nine years later, he passed away here, leaving behind the world-famous Body Metamorphosis Scripture and the Essence Purification Scripture. After that, the Second Patriarch could take away the Bone Ablutionary Scripture. Now, the Shaolin only has the Body Metamorphose Scripture left. Even so, Shaolin was still the seat of the Zen Ancestor and the leader of the martial arts world. Although there are people in the Tianshan Sect who are dressed as buddhist disciples, but they are actually part of the Dao. Our sect's history surpasses that of the buddhist faith. However, our sect has not seen such a powerful figure for hundreds of years. " Qin Yuzhen secretly thought.

She stayed here for a long time, carefully comprehending the spirit will of her ancestor.

It wasn't until the sky turned dark that she came out.

A light breeze blew, causing her clothes to flutter.

"The world is in chaos right now. Several elders in the sect are looking at the Celestial Phenomenon, and we, the Han people, are all an omen of the destruction of our country and our families! Master told me to go down the mountain, one was to gain experience, the other to change everything. Master and the few elders in the clan all said that the Emperor Jianyan was destined to become the emperor, and that it could allow the national destiny of the Song Dynasty to continue for another hundred years. My master and elders' predictions were definitely not wrong, I must definitely help the Emperor Jianyan. As long as we can obtain the treasure of the Qin Emperor, the various treasures within, the way the Qin Emperor trains his troops, the method to rule the nation, the Emperor Jianyan will be able to rule the world and restore peace to the world! " Qin Yuzhen secretly thought.

She stayed outside for a long time, and then came to Tallinn. Finally, she returned to the meditation room arranged for her by the Shaolin Temple, and rested inside.

When the group of soldiers arrived at the bottom of Tongguan, the soldiers on top immediately noticed.

Someone asked loudly.

"I am the Managed's Left Army leader, quickly open the city gates!" A high-ranking officer below stood up and shouted loudly.

"What?" Han Shizhong? " Naturally, they had heard of Han Shizhong's great name, and knew that he was the Emperor Jianyan's favorite general.

Someone immediately went to report, and not long after, a commander arrived. This person was originally Zhang Jun's subordinate, and had seen Han Shizhong before. After he asked a few questions, the city gate was opened and Han Shizhong entered the Tongguan with his horse.

"General Han, aren't you in Jiangnan? Why are we here? " The high-ranking officer said.

"His Majesty has asked me to come here to settle some matters! In addition, from now on, I will also take up residence in Chang'an City and use it against the enemy troops! " Han Shizhong said.

"When General Han arrives, he will definitely be able to defeat the Emperor Xuanwu!" The high-ranking officer said with a fawning smile.

They stayed here for the night, and on the second day, they headed towards the Chang'an City.

Until the afternoon of the third day when they finally arrived at Chang'an City.

Here, they received a huge welcome. Zong Ze, Wang Yan and the others all came out to welcome Han Shizhong.

Only when it was deep into the night did Han Shizhong have time to rest.

He washed up in his room, and after a while, his wife, Liang Hongyu, entered.

Liang Hongyu's expression did not look good. Han Shizhong was a little surprised, and said: "Hongyu, what happened? Why do you look so terrible? "

Liang Hongyu said: "I just received a piece of news!"

She opened her mouth, not knowing if she should say it or not.

Han Shizhong immediately knew that the information was different, and asked: "What is it?"

Liang Hongyu said: "Just this year, in the first half of the year, Emperor Xuanwu led hundreds of thousands of troops to the north and entered Western Xia, exterminating the main forces of Western Xia. He forced Western Xia's master, Li Qianshun, to let Spirit State, Liang Zhou, Salt Province, all over the Hongzhou, and also forced Western Xia's master, Li Qianshun, to send the crown prince, Li Renxiao, into Middle Han Area.

Han Shizhong's face changed greatly, and said: "How is that possible? If such an important piece of news is true, it should have spread throughout the world long ago. How could we not know about it when we were in Jiangnan? "

Liang Hongyu said: "I just asked Master Zong Ze, he said that she had already reported the news of Western Xia's destruction to her majesty, but for some reason, we do not know! "Actually, when I was in Jiangnan, I heard the people discussing it. I thought it was a rumor, but now it seems to be true!"

Han Shizhong stood there in a daze for a long time.

"Husband?" Liang Hongyu said softly.

"Yes." Han Shizhong finally replied.

"Husband, how can the troops of Emperor Xuanwu be so strong? You were also in Western Army at the time, and fought against Western Xia at the same time, you should have an abnormal understanding of Western Xia's military strength, what do you think about this matter? " Liang Hongyu said.

"I still find it hard to believe! No wonder at the start of this year, there were rumors that the Emperor Xuanwu wanted to send an army down the Yangtze River. So it was all to restrain us in Jiangnan so that he could use troops on Western Xia. " Han Shizhong said.

"That's right, that should be the case." Liang Hongyu nodded and said.

"How exactly did they destroy Western Xia? Does Master Zong Ze know the details of the situation?" Han Shizhong said.

"Even Master Zong Ze is not sure." Liang Hongyu said.

Han Shizhong stood there with a face full of worry.

"My husband is worried about the country?" Liang Hongyu said.

"How can I not be worried? If they can eliminate Western Xia, I'm afraid they can also kill us! No, that's not possible. It's impossible for them to destroy the Western Xia. It's very possible that it's just a rumor! They might have purposely exaggerated it themselves! Recently, we have no one to go to the Western Xia, we are not aware of the Western Xia's situation! I don't believe they can destroy the Western Xia! Back then our Western Army was so strong and powerful, but we were still unable to destroy Western Xia. Han Shizhong kept muttering to himself.

"What Darling said makes sense." Liang Hongyu was startled, and said.

"I will definitely send someone to investigate this matter! Red Jade, immediately send down the order for some of the experts in the military to head to the Western Xia to understand the situation there. " Han Shizhong said.

"Alright!" Liang Hongyu nodded.

Liang Hongyu had already left. She stood by the window, still frowning deeply.

It was only three days later that Lin Lingsu, Elder Wu Qing, Qin Yuzhen and the others arrived at Chang'an City.

They didn't disturb Zong Ze, and the first person they looked for was Han Shizhong.

Before Han Shizhong came, he had already received orders from Zhao Gou to help them find the Qin Shi Huang treasure, and immediately went to receive them.

"The location of the treasure is marked on the Southern Mountain, in a canyon. But the description on this map is not detailed enough, we still need to investigate it thoroughly in the Southern Mountain. " Lin Lingsu said.

"Alright!" Han Shizhong nodded.

"General Han, all of the martial artists in Jiang-Nan city are heading north. The Emperor Xuanwu must have sensed something. I think we should do it like this. I will order a portion of our men to Mount Li, and pretend to be suspicious. General Han will also lead a group of soldiers to Mount Li and attract all the men under Emperor Xuanwu there. Elder Wu Qing, Martial Nephew Qin and I will enter the Southern Mountain to investigate in secret. " Lin Lingsu said.

Han Shizhong thought about it, then nodded his head again.

So on that day, the group of martial artists left for Mount Li. Han Shizhong brought a group of people to enter the mountain, while Lin Lingsu, Wu Qing and the rest entered the Southern Mountain.

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